Monday, October 19, 2009

Some days.....

I feel like my head is up my ass.

I just wasn't able to get on track with anything today. I have a million things to get done in the next 2.5 months and I have no idea where I am going to get the time. You would think that over 2 months is plenty of time but when I'm looking at this mountain of shit in front of me I think it's pretty short.
Hopefully I can get out of bed in the morning and hit the swim. maybe that will clear my mind a bit.


Jess said...

make lists...check things off the gets the stuff out of your head and then you are able to think...the checking things off is very satisfying :)

Arlene said...

Listen to the first post - she is so right. List and crossing off - satisfaction.

etg said...

swimming is always a good way to clear the mind:) as for lists, when I'm feeling the most overwhelmed, I make mine on post-it notes because it puts things in "bite-sized" chunks for me and that feels more manageable. that way I not only get to cross things off the list, but I also get to throw an entire list away pretty quickly! Really satisfying!! I know, it's not the most environmentally conscious thing to do but I figure that I make up for that in other ways. hang in there!

Yvonne said...

Make the list or post it notes like Jess/Elizabeth said, but start with the easier and quicker to get done ones first. That way you can knock those out and cross them off. Makes the list look smaller and less daunting :)