Say hello to my little friend.
This is my new Garmin 405. It's a watch, heart rate monitor, GPS and virtual training partner. This is straight badass!! It will help keep me in line when I am running so I don't go out too fast or run to damn hard. You see... training for a marathon and training for an Ironman marathon are 2 different things. In a normal marathon I can hold a 7:45 pace. In an IM marathon I am holding whatever I can since my legs are trashed from being on the bike for 5 hours and 45 minutes. So I am thinking like 9:15's. This puppy shows my pace per mile in real time so I can see where I am at pace wise. It also shows my distance, heart rate and it has a virtual training partner. What VTP does is that I program it for an 8:30 pace and my VTP will hold 8:30 no matter what. I can check my watch and see if I am ahead or behind the pace that I have scheduled myself for the day. If I am not running with someone this comes in awfully handy. It also works on the bike though I do not like using a watch on the bike. I have a Polar computer on my bike that tells me my speed, cadence, distance and heart rate. I am good with that.
On Sat. I did a 40 mile ride. The first 1/3 I went way too hard and had to reel myself back down so I could finish the ride. I was riding like a meathead. Once I calmed down I kept my HR around 165 to 170 and that's where I want to be. The last 10 miles or so the wind picked up and slowed me down a bit but I kept on chugging away. I stayed out on the route for an extra 6 miles while everyone else headed back to the cars. I was happy to stay out. I plan on doing this more often.
Sunday was a cold and windy run day. Thank the lord I had gloves. I wore my new pimp ass watch and even though I have no idea how to use it I looked totally cool. I figured out the run time, distance, pace per mile and HR. The rest will come in time. 7 miles down and I called it a day. Just didn't feel like going any further.
On a sad note....... my buddy Bo had a bad accident this morning. He's in the ICU at Brackenridge in a medically induced coma. No one is to blame, he just hit a split in the road and his front tire got sucked into it and he went over the bars. He had his helmet on but he still landed really bad. I am hoping for some better news tomorrow as the doctors are saying it's a day to day issue. Here's to a quick and healthy recovery my man.
So sorry to hear about Bo. I'll keep him (and his family and friends) in my prayers. Keep us's hoping for better news tomorrow.
Welcome to the land if the 405 my friend! :)
And sorry to hear about your friend. Yikes. Sending good vibes to him.
just found your blog through carries. WEEEEE, fun stuff! :p
Sexy tech!
And I hope Bo is doing better! My thoughts are with him and his family.
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