Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good lord... I love massage

So I was suppose to have a massage on Tuesday but Lisa my massage lady friend had to reschedule me for Monday afternoon. I usually go for an hour and call it good but Lisa didn't have another appt. right after me so 1 hour turned into almost 2!!!!! Man I was tired when she finished but it was awesome!!!!!!

Today I rolled out if bed to catch the spin at the PTC. Mo was coaching this morning. A lot of 1 legged drills and such. After work I hit the Ship of Fools workout. First thing was a timed 1 mile. I haven't done one of those for a while so I took it easy on the first 1/2. I still ended up with a 6:10 which is all good for me. My hip started bothering me a bit. I think it was from the 10 mile run this past weekend. Maybe just a bit too fast. I'll need to address the hip issue soon with Sellers over at Performance Wellness.

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